Dreamscaper Wiki

NPCs in Dreamscaper can be found in the Waking World. Cassidy can travel to various locations to meet different NPCs.

You can interact with NPC by talking to them. When you talk to a NPC, you have the option to chit-chat and/or gift them a present. Performing either action will increase your relationship and unlock new equipment, abilities, keepsakes, and influences.

NPCs[ | ]

  • Eve - Improves your Ranged Attacks as Cassidy gets to know Eve.
  • Tamal -Improves your Fire Attacks as Cassidy gets to know Tamal.
  • Bruce - Improves your Critical Attacks as Cassidy gets to know Bruce.
  • Alison - Improves your Lucid Attacks as Cassidy gets to know Alison.
  • Fernando - Improves your Defenses as Cassidy gets to know Fernando.
  • Carl - Improves your Lightning Attacks as Cassidy gets to know Carl.
  • Rose - Improves your Speed as Cassidy gets to know Rose.

Weekly Schedule[ | ]

Location Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Caspecci Cafe Carl, Tamal Fernando Bruce Tamal Bruce Alison Alison, Fernando
Alexandria Books Bruce Alison, Carl Fernando, Tamal Alison, Fernando Alison Carl Tamal
Silk Lounge Eve Bruce, Eve Eve Carl, Eve Fernando, Eve Fernando, Eve Eve
Taylor Park Fernando Tamal Alison Bruce Carl Bruce, Tamal Carl
Zeitgeist Records Alison, Rose Rose Carl, Rose Rose Tamal, Rose Rose Bruce, Rose

Gifts[ | ]

Gift Star Eve Tamal Bruce Alison Fernando Carl Rose
Hand-made Coaster 1
Sketch of a Mighty Heroine 1
Abstract Poem 1
Painting of a Serene Landscape 1
Photo of the Redhaven Streets 1
Artistic Photo From Trip Abroad 1
Whimsical Sonnet 1
Sweat Bands with Geometric Pattern 1
Sleek Earplug Case 1
Seashell Earings 1
Illustration of Historic Redhaven 1
Cool Beat Poem 2
Pencil Study of Downtown 2
Postcard of Redhaven 2
Hand-drawn Movie Poster 2
Notebook with Illustrated Cover 2
Fox-Shaped Cookies 2
Painting of a Far-away Land 2
Vibrant Reusable Water Bottle 2
Ceramic Pencil Holder 2
Stunning Watercolor of an Actor 2
Painting of the Cosmos 2
Exercise Mixtape 2
Carved Walking Stick 3
Miniature Sculpture of a Puppy 3
Striking Watercolor of a Sunset 3
Beautiful Aerial Photo 3
Picturebook 3
Homemade Oven Mitts 3
Patched-up Sweater 3
Painted Bicycle Helmet 3
Futuristic Sunglasses 4
Rustic Mug 4
Hand-carved Pocket Knife 4
Miniature of Redhaven Theater 4
Embroidered Hand Towel 4
Silkscreen Band T-Shirt 4
Fantastical Short Story 4
Photo of a Biker Convoy 5
Illustration of Classical Musician 5
Hand-made Duffel Bag 5
Salvaged Leather Belt 5
Exquisite Turned Pen 6
Triptych of a Famous Knight 6
Playing Cards of Historical Figures 6
Miniature Oak Cast 6